We went camping for labor day and peyton went on the 4wheeler so she had to wear the goggles, the helmet, and grandpas coat cause it was big enough to keep her whole body warm!!
It's been a while since i updated so heres just a little scoop of what's going on. We had a great easter, Peyton loved the Easter Bunny! Bryson is growing up so fast! He is smiling, talking & laughing all the time. My husband blessed him on Easter Sunday - what a Special Day! Thanx everyone for you help, love, and support! We are moving to Washington Fields this weekend so we have been at the house doing some work to get it ready and this is what our kids do while we are there - Kylie & peyton in the GIANT tub having a bubble blast!! Bryson wearing his toolbelt shirt that says "Daddys Helper" helped daddy caulk around the sinks, thats why he has caulk smeared across his head - Silly Daddy!!
Daddy's little helper
Girls just wanna have fun
Happy Easter
He's here!!!
Bryson Kai Neilson
Just hangin out at home
My little train drivers
So adorable
We went to Heber City on Friday to ride the Polar Express Train and we stopped to eat first at this place where everything is decorated like a train. There was a train outside that had tables on it for the kids to sit at and a train than ran around the entire place inside up by the celing. All the kids got these cute 'conductor' hats, they had such a great time!
Kylie First day of School
Peyton first day of preschool ALL BY HERSELF
She did so good she went to Miss Amys with out Kylie and she was FINE!
I work part-time managing a scrapbook store & part-time as a mom! I lOVE both jobs. The store is alot of fun cause it's something I really like to do and I like to be around people, but, being a Mom I must say is the best. It's very rewarding and we have so much fun. My husband and I have 2 girls. Kylie is 7 and going to first grade. Peyton is 3 and going on 13!! We also have one boy Bryson Kai. He was born on January 26th 2009. We aren so excited to have a boy in our family. My husband is especially excited he loves kids so much and they have so much fun with him. He is always so cute to do fun suprises for the girls, they love him so much!