Is someone in there???

We went camping for labor day and peyton went on the 4wheeler so she had to wear the goggles, the helmet, and grandpas coat cause it was big enough to keep her whole body warm!!


Kerry said...

What a cutie!!! And great picture...I wonder who took it???

The Albrechts said...

Hi Lyndsey
This is Brooke I found you blog through Amee. It looks like you and you cute little family are doing good. I can't believe that you are pregnant too. What are you having and when are you due? I am due the first part of Jan. and I am having a boy FINALLY. I hope that you get the same luck that we did 2 precious girls and a boy. Here is our blog http//
Keep in touch

Kerry said...

K...this just isn't going to work for me if you only post once every gazillion years...Get with it!!!